

Elaine and I talked about this about a week ago, and I guess it's time to make it official, after receiving Eugene's latest comment.

She asked why we didn't talk about Rodarte having a line at Target. I saw an article about it a few days ago and showed it to Elaine and we both ooh'd and ahh'd about how excited we were but didn't post. [Btw, if you want to see about it, read this. To me, Rodarte is like pure walking art. I am excited.]

Honestly, we are both just swamped right now. We don't have time to keep up with this blog at the moment. We are really sorry about it, but we're high school seniors and we need to worry about college. I have band camp for 8 hours a day and then I also have to worry about summer reading homework, college applications, and correspondence classes [therefore leaving me with very little time to even keep up with anything else in my internet life]. Elaine is working hard on college apps and summer reading and correspondence.

I'm so sorry that we won't be keeping up with this since we just started. We're planning on ending this "semi-hiatus" at around winter, because we know we will be done with apps by then and then the nervous waiting begins. But. Never fear. We're not going away entirely! I'm sure if something is pressing, we will still blog about it. Once school starts, outfit posts will be plenty, but only because those are super fast and easy. But no more long lengthy rants [at least for me...].

Once again, I am sorry. But we will be back, and back with a vengeance, ready to conquer the world!

Btw, once our Facebook group reaches 200 members [it's perching precariously at 198 right now], I'm going to make my first post about men's fashion. It will take me a lot of work because I don't know much about where to shop for guys, but I will figure it out. I'm researching. I was planning for it to be a surprise, but oh well. I know the guys will be excited since they keep asking me. It will happen. I promise. I will forego all other things I am doing just to make the post, in celebration of having 200 members and reaching 1600 page views. Thank you all, for all your support. And sorry again for this hiatus.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

rodarte is my absolute favorite but i'm not quite sure how their design aesthetic would translate to a low end line :/