okay. yeah. yeah. bye see you soon.
First off, sorry for not really posting much. My computer has become even more painfully slow than it was before and the thought of waiting for it to load/unfreeze in order to make a post [which usually takes me more than an hour even when it's working a little faster] just wasn't very appealing. But. Something calls my attention and I will sacrifice my time to post this [and I will ask my dad about helping me with my computer later today -.-"].
Okay. So. I guess you all can tell by now that I am an avid Kpop fan. ... Just a little? Korean celebrities have basically been mentioned in all of my posts so far. Sorry if it's not really your cup of tea >__O" But, it's because they are SO fashionable. No joke! Right now, they're in on all the latest trends -- military jackets, leather leggings, slashed jeans, cutout leggings, studs and spikes, Doc Martens, fringe...the list is endless! I was going to blog about SHINee [aka my favorite in the whole wide world] because it was one of the members' birthdays but then I saw some scans from 2NE1's minialbum booklet and I freaked out. You will all see why in a minute, but for this post, I'll start with 2NE1 and use it as a segway into SHINee [specifically Taemin] because there is something in common.
Okay, enough of the talking. Let's get down to business. [Click pictures to enlarge, because these resized versions don't do them justice. The details...... yeah.]
Sandara - awesome sunglasses, asymmetrical feather coat, fingerless gloves, slashed jeans.
Minji - Her shirt reminds me of Christopher Kane's line of monkey t-shirts, her puffy jacket is so cool -- I would so wear it, and I can't really tell what is going on with her pants, even in the enlarged version.
CL - freaking awesome sunglasses, jacket with lightning bolt lapels, cutout jumpsuit.
Bom - I love the panels on the jacket!! and her dress with leather leggings is cute.
CL - Cutout vest - check. Leather leggings - check. Freaking awesome shoes with amazing silver cone heels and tiny studded detail all over - check. Rimless bar sunglasses - check. Ready to go.
Sandara - LOVE her shirt, her accessories
[bracelets, Lego person ring, necklace with the suits of a deck of playing cards, LEGO BELT!!], tie-dyed jeans.
CL - aforementioned 3.1 Phillip Lim vest, shark fin belt, and printed pants.
Sandara - What can I say but that I love her necklace and the SHAPE of that skirt.

Same outfits as first picture, but now we can see their SHOES!
Bom - I love her sparkly booties, which I think we see again on Minji on her solo page.
Minji - can't really see them =(
Sandara - Strappy heels with diamonds and studs all over? Oh yes.
CL - Her freaking booties have FRINGE on them! And they're kind of wedge heels but also a stiletto heel? I dunno, but looks pretty cool. Also, I love the trippy background of the room they're in.
Bom - Her heels look cool although I can't really see the detail on them. And I love her ring and bracelet. And the dress is cool also, although you can't really see it very well in this picture.
Bom - Printed top, sequined under-top, white-silver leggings, NIKE SNEAKER BOOTIES?! Legit.
Minji - Do you see what the detailing on her jacket is? It's freaking Legos!!!! I don't really like these printed tights that much, but I love her sneaks.
Minji - Let's begin with those kickbutt silver sequined booties...yeah, they kick butt. Love the designs on her top, the faux reptile skin jacket, and the ubiquitous leather tights.
Bom - Rose printed leotard, leather leggings, cropped black leather-esque hoodie jacket, strappy sandals that look like the ones Sandara wore in the 5th picture.
Minji - Cool sunglasses, denim cropped jacket, cool tank, jeans, cherry-printed sneaks, and Lego ring!
CL - Another pair of cool sunglasses, denim jumpsuit, another Lego person ring, and red sneaks.
Sandara - Okay, I have to admit, I don't really like her top... A black cropped top with blue roses on the boobs? ... Meh. But her pink marble jeans are cool.

Same outfits as above.
Scan Credit: milkshake@LJ Okay. Sorry if my commentary on their outfits is not entirely coherent. When I saw their clothes, I freaked out a little. Their stylists, Yang SeungHo and Lee HyunJung, are pretty genius. I'm going to try to find out the designers that designed their heels. And in the future, when I have money, I'm going to make myself some Lego people rings.
Here is a preview of 2NE1's photoshoot in Numero. Apparently, they got the best photo studio in Asia, an amazing photographer, the best stylists and makeup artists, and highend fashion clothing. This is why I wish I was a celebrity =( So excited to see the rest of the spread.

How are 2NE1 and SHINee related? First of all, they are both super fashionable groups. One of the main reasons I fell in love with SHINee in May 2008 was because of their sense of style. They don't just wear run of the mill clothing [although, yeah, sometimes they do], but their stylist makes them go outside of the box with some craaazy outfits. A lot of the fans don't really like it and prefer them wearing more normal clothing, but I say more power to them! And I guess you can see how 2NE1 is fashionable. Second of all, on KBS Music Bank July 10, 2009, Taemin wore some slashed black jeans, VERY similar to the ones Sandara is wearing in some of the pictures above. And the main reason why I'm going to feature Maknae Taemin today is because his birthday was today. I will probably make another entry for the other SHINee boys later (: [These guys are the love of my life. That is all.]
Wow, I talk too much. Anyways, pictures!
The slashed black jeans I was talking about.
Some recent outfits on broadcast shows and for performances. [Other pieces of jewelry I am planning to imitate -- the key ring clip necklace, the playing card necklace, the dice necklace]
Okay, I know this isn't very in-depth but I got lazy. I promise a better post on SHINee later, and also, I will try not to post anything about Kpop for a few entries at least. =x
PS: I don't know what happened but my computer is working so much faster now! It's like a normal speed! It makes me super happy hahaha.
1 comment:
wowow... i read the first part of the blog entry and i was like hmm, i wonder what this is about/who wrote this... so i started to scroll down to see if it was "posted by jane" or "posted by elaine" but as i went through the pictures, it became pretty obvious. LOL i loveee 2ne1's style, but i feel like it's kind of sad that pretty much NO guy likes 2ne1 because they're not feminine whatsoever [except bom, who's the only one who gets attention from them] ): my favorites are CL and minji <3 what brand is bom's rose leotard? i remember seeing it in nylon as a minidress and i looked up the brand and stuff, but now i can't remember! love the print though.
and pahahaha your love of shinee. taemin's curly hair makes him look like a jonas brother LOL but now i see what you mean about the legit key ring necklace thing you were talking about when we went to mockingbird, pretty coooool. anyway now i really want to DIY a lego belt like dara is wearing <3
teehee, i enjoy reading your style rants (:
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